HOW TO PLAN A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MEETING Meetings, while disliked by many, are an essential part of myriad business operations. They are often the best venue for communications to take place, for issues to be discussed, for priorities to be set, and for decisions to be made in various realms […]
1. Simplicity The simpler your plan is, the easier it will be to implement. 2. Clarity If your plan is hard to read, it is probably unnecessarily complicated. 3. Reasonableness Unreasonable plans are usually based on one or more incorrect or overtly optimistic assumption that will obviate your chance for […]
Creating A Marketing Plan Template The process of developing your marketing plan can help your company allocate resources, organize operations, prioritize activities, evaluate different marketing activities, think creatively about problems, and identify new business opportunities. VII. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – BUDGETS AND REVENUE FORECASTS 1. Include pro forma budgets b for […]
Creating A Marketing Plan Template The process of developing your marketing plan can help your company allocate resources, organize operations, prioritize activities, evaluate different marketing activities, think creatively about problems, and identify new business opportunities. V. OPERATIONS Your operations plan should be derailed enough to enable your reader to understand […]
Creating A Marketing Plan Template The process of developing your marketing plan can help your company allocate resources, organize operations, prioritize activities, evaluate different marketing activities, think creatively about problems, and identify new business opportunities. IV. DISTRIBUTION, PRICING, AND PROMOTION STRATEGY You should explain how you plan to price, promote, […]
Creating A Marketing Plan Template The process of developing your marketing plan can help your company allocate resources, organize operations, prioritize activities, evaluate different marketing activities, think creatively about problems, and identify new business opportunities. III PRODUCT STRATEGY Describe your product thoroughly enough so that your reader can understand “who, […]
 Most people aim at nothing in life and hit it with amazing accuracy. If we don’t specify exactly what we want, we have no reason to complain about what we get or where we find ourselves. Goals represent expectations, hopes, and dreams, and to the extent, our goals are […]
Mr Tunji Matthew (not real name) is a retiree. He had to leave his job voluntarily at the State Civil service having worked for 35 years as a project supervisor in the Ministry of Works. Because he failed to put in place concrete retirement plans while in service, he decided […]