Recent research suggests that globalization is a myth. Far from taking place in a single global market, most business activity by large companies takes place in regional blocks. There is no uniform spread of U.S. market capitalism nor are global markets becoming homogenized. Government regulations and cultural differences divide the […]
We live in a business world taken over by ironies and oxymoron, a world of walking contradictions in which the line between conventional and unconventional wisdom is done with disposable pens filled with invisible ink. The rules that once seemed so useful now ebb and flow like a hyperactive harvest […]
The ability to create and manage strategic alliances is an important skill for most management teams. If you cannot make effective use of alliances in today’s world, you will be at a serious competitive disadvantage. One of the reasons for the low success rate of alliances is that there are […]
Business has changed radically in recent decades and is becoming more sophisticated. The public relations of today has become perception management. Communicators have increasingly come to the conclusion that perception is what really counts. You might run a great company, but if analysts don’t feel that way the stock does […]
CREATING FUN IN THE WORKPLACE The perception is still widespread that work should not be fun, that fun is something you earn only after you’ve worked hard. That position, once the bedrock of workplace behavior, is changing. Many companies have shown that the integration of fun and work not only […]
MANAGING TODAY’S ANGRY WORKFORCE Shareholders and board members expect corporate growth, no matter the state of the economy. To make that growth happen, top management are putting pressure on their workers, using employee cutbacks to increase profits if there aren’t any other ways. The backlash is twofold. Where jobs are […]
REASONS WHY BUSINESSES PURCHASE CREDIT Credit is a transaction between two parties in which one, acting as a creditor or lender, supplies the other, the debtor or borrower, with money, goods, services, or securities in return for the promise of future payment. As a financial transaction, credit is the purchase […]
HOW CANNIBALIZATION CAN BOOST SALES Cannibalization is a phenomenon that results when a firm develops a new product or service that steals business or market share from one or more of its existing products and services. Thus one product may take sales from another offering in a product line. Although […]
WHY TAILORING BUSINESS PLAN TO SPECIFIC AUDIENCES IS IMPORTANT Business plans are organized to address major concerns and interests of their intended audience. They are commonly tailored to a specific audience by emphasizing aspects that directly relate to the interest of the reader. For example, a business plan written to […]
STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING STRESS Why is it that some people under stress can still move forward while others sit depressed, withdraw, or become physically sick? Given that so many stressors are inevitable and beyond our control, the most critical lesson of stress management is not to aim to eliminate all […]