Recent research suggests that globalization is a myth. Far from taking place in a single global market, most business activity by large companies takes place in regional blocks. There is no uniform spread of U.S. market capitalism nor are global markets becoming homogenized. Government regulations and cultural differences divide the […]
We live in a business world taken over by ironies and oxymoron, a world of walking contradictions in which the line between conventional and unconventional wisdom is done with disposable pens filled with invisible ink. The rules that once seemed so useful now ebb and flow like a hyperactive harvest […]
Over the years, we’ve made strategy far more complicated than necessary. Smart people with advanced degrees and high salaries generate elaborate documents containing complex analysis, algorithms, heuristics, scenarios and projections which seldom yield competitive advantage. More than 50% of the 2010 Fortune 500 companies – each with elegant strategic plans […]
In turbulent and uncertain times, it is tempting for companies to wonder whether if they do actually require a strategy. They do. By way of proof, imagine that you find yourself in the middle of a dark and hostile jungle. If you want to get out of the jungle, do […]
GOVERNANCE STRATEGY FOR THE “NEXT AFRICA” …Guides for overpowering “Simulation Managerial System” in post COVID-19 Africa. This article is published by based on Content Marketing Partnership with the original author, Dr Chris Ohanemu. PREAMBLE This discussion is hardly a comment on INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. It is […]
HOW TO PREPARE A STRATEGIC TRAINING PLAN What Is A Strategic Training Plan? A strategic training plan defines the training needed to achieve the goals of a business and lays out a comprehensive road map for meeting these needs. A strategic training plan provides a vision that sees a world-class […]
1. Simplicity The simpler your plan is, the easier it will be to implement. 2. Clarity If your plan is hard to read, it is probably unnecessarily complicated. 3. Reasonableness Unreasonable plans are usually based on one or more incorrect or overtly optimistic assumption that will obviate your chance for […]
Creating A Marketing Plan Template The process of developing your marketing plan can help your company allocate resources, organize operations, prioritize activities, evaluate different marketing activities, think creatively about problems, and identify new business opportunities. VII. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – BUDGETS AND REVENUE FORECASTS 1. Include pro forma budgets b for […]
Creating A Marketing Plan Template The process of developing your marketing plan can help your company allocate resources, organize operations, prioritize activities, evaluate different marketing activities, think creatively about problems, and identify new business opportunities. V. OPERATIONS Your operations plan should be derailed enough to enable your reader to understand […]
Creating A Marketing Plan Template The process of developing your marketing plan can help your company allocate resources, organize operations, prioritize activities, evaluate different marketing activities, think creatively about problems, and identify new business opportunities. IV. DISTRIBUTION, PRICING, AND PROMOTION STRATEGY You should explain how you plan to price, promote, […]