Strong communication links are vital to the wellbeing of a team. The most effective links occur naturally – for example, in casual conversation – but these will need supplementing by new technology. Choose the most appropriate method to suit your team.
Ensuring Accessibility
How a team communicates internally depends on its size and the location of its members. The most effective method of communication is informal direct conversation and for this, ideally, team members should have easy access to each other at all times – preferably sitting close together. If certain members of a team are situated off-campus, establish efficient communication links such as telephone, use of social media, email, or video, between all the locations to ensure that dialogue can still flow freely between the parties concerned.
There are many ways for a team to communicate, whether formally or informally, within its own organization or externally. These include:
Constant casual conversational links between colleagues. These create an informal “grapevine” throughout the organization.
Traditional methods of communication such as paper memos, circulars, letters, reports, notice boards, faxes, social media, and telephone calls
Electronic means, such as emails, intranet (in-company emails), Internet, and groupware facilities (software packages tailored to groups);
Video-conferencing facilities and video telephones that can reach right across the international business world.
Whichever communication systems are used, remember that they are all supplement to, rather than a substitute for, face-to-face meetings.
Choosing Methods of Communication
In any organization, many modes of communication exist side-by-side. You cannot stop the “grapevine” from working – indeed, it is one of the faster and thus more efficient methods of communication – so use it to your advantage by talking informally to all colleagues. If you want to reach your team or your whole organization quickly, use electronic means, such as email, social media. Video-communications emulate the collaborative, informal style of true teamwork closely, as you cannot see the reactions of the people you are dealing with, so try these when your team is spread across a distance. Remember that traditional communications, such as memos and notice boards, still have their place. For example, anybody can use notice boards to share information that has not reached them personally.
Points to Remember
E-mail can be used as an informal medium between team members, but confidentiality is not assured
Software packages can be tailored by specialist consultants to match the communication needs of any team.
Video-conferences are useful communication tools that allow participants to assess each other’s body language and mood.
Video links are a cost-effective alternative to sending team members overseas for meetings.
A good telephone system will have facilities for conference calls for use among members of teams sited in different locations.
Keep the team members in close proximity to ease communication.
Set aside areas in which people can meet and talk informally.
Encourage the free flow of communication between colleagues.
Invest in the most appropriate technology, and keep it up to date.