The way people make mistakes in what they wear lately is alarming, many of them don’t even know they make mistakes, it feels cool when you don’t know but feels really sad when you are told outside by strangers that what you have on is wrong pointing out your mistakes that are obvious. How do you feel when you find yourself in a situation like this?
Your dressing tells a lot about you, everything about you makes an impression. Check some of these errors out…
 Wrong make-up.
If your make-up is shouting, you are wearing too much. Make-up is meant to enhance the face not to be the only thing we will see. The most common make-up mistake is too much blush, too much foundation, and too much eyeliner. You’ll know if you’re wearing too much foundation, if it looks thick and pasty. Your skin should be seen through the foundation. Remember, the best look is natural and, yes, you can get this with foundation. The key is to choose a
colour that matches your natural skin tone and use it sparingly.
Eyeliner is meant to make the eyelashes look thicker. To do this, put it as close to your lash
line as you can. Thick black lines of eyeliner are too harsh, especially if you have a light
complexion and light hair, says the expert.
Blush should not be seen as line or blob, but rather a natural glow. Choose a shade that is
not too dark or light and blends well with your natural colour.
Oversized Clothes/ Skin Tight Clothes:
Oversized clothes are definitely a big NO NO. Trim, fitted clothes make you look nice even for people on the big side, fitted is different from skin-tight  If you think you are hiding a pot belly inside a really big tee shirt, you will just end up looking bigger than normal. If your body type makes it hard to find well-fitting clothes off the rack, make your tailor your best friend.
I don’t know if some guys are in a competition with their girlfriend. Why the body hugging clothes?
You see some guys and you wonder how they breathe with all the skin-tight trousers and body hugging tops they are wearing. Do the little man down there a favour and set it free(tongue out)… The fear of prostate cancer should drum some senses into you these guys.
Dirty, shabby and wrong shoes.Â
It’s an area that too many guys overlook in terms of cleaning and proper care. A stylish man keeps his shoes clean, free of scratches and dirt. Shabby or wrong shoes are noticed more than you think. Take care of your shoes by keeping them polished and in good repair. Your shoes complement your outfit, so it is important to learn which footwear is appropriate for the outfit and the occasion. For example, if you work in a professional environment, pumps are the best choice. Wearing loafers, sandals or mules with a suit would ruin your look and your credibility instantly. Warped shoes Keep at least two pairs of dress shoes in the same color so you can let one pair rest for a day from sweat and stretching. Doing this prevents them from warping in unwanted ways.
Wearing the wrong colour of shoes is another very common mistake both sexes make. This is
very common especially with corporate wears and do not mismatch the colour of your socks. Always match your socks’ colour with your trousers and not your shoes.
Wearing the wrong colour of shoes with your suit makes you look ***.
Pair a black suit with black shoes, grey suits with black or camel shoes, brown suits with
brown or camel suits and navy suits with black, tan, camel or oxblood-coloured shoes make sure your combinations are brilliant and pleasant.
Not paying attention to grooming
Taking care of your hair, skin, eyebrows and nails a must in good grooming. If you are wearing the most fabulous sari or suit in the most striking colour and have not paid attention to grooming, you’ve ruined your whole look.
Your hairstyle creates the first impression. From your hairstyle people will assume your
status, age, intelligence etc. This doesn’t mean that judgments are correct; they happen instinctively. Visit your hairstylist regularly,
and if you colour your hair make sure you keep it maintained regularly. Since hair is so
important to an overall look, it is very important that you choose a style that suits your face shape, a colour that complements your skin, and a stylist who can assist you with them.
Keep your nails well-groomed. Only wear nail polish if you plan to keep your nails in excellent
condition; otherwise, don’t polish. Chipped polish will ruin your look instantly.
Short sleeved shirt with a tie is a big error:Â this is a big eyesore. Ties should always be
worn with a long-sleeved shirt. You can always roll up the sleeves when you are relaxing.
Your tie should end just above the belt buckle and make sure it is positioned well so that it
will be at the centre of the buckle. And don’t forget pocket squares are so the in-thing right now, make sure it matches the colour of
your tie then u will b good to go.
 Slave to brand names
Choosing clothing simply because it is a certain brand name or dressing in brand names from head-to-toe is a recipe for a fashion disaster. Just imagine wearing a label like Ed Hardy with very colourful designs; you are wearing the cap, the top and heavily chained wrangler jean? Haba!
It’s cool that you love to deal in labels and the expensive stuff but wearing all these things at once is not cool at all. It is plain juvenile, not meant for adults at all. You will look like a thug from a cheaply made Hollywood movie from the 80s.
Shop for quality and not tags.
Pairing socks with sandals: you can only do this in secondary school where it is mandatory as part of your uniform. Asides that, you should not be caught wearing socks with sandals. If you are wearing the socks because of cold, you should wear shoes instead as they keep your feet warmer.
Overstuffing your pockets: this is for men that put everything puttable inside their pockets; house keys, office keys, bulky wallets filled with stash of complimentary cards,receipts, cash and ATM cards, mobile phones etc. Bulging pockets make you look bigger and unpresentable. You should get a messenger bag that can carry all your necessities. If you don’t want to carry a bag, wear a blazer with inner pockers. You can distribute your stuff all over without disturbing your sleek look.
Showing bra straps and underwear tight.Â
Check yourself well before you leave the house,is your bra straps showing,is your dress too low at the back that the band of your bra is showing? Is your gown or skirt too short or tight that your underwear is calling for attention? You should not wear whatever reveals your underwear. Decent dressing is respected all over the world.
You must be very careful in your choice, especially when it involves leaving the corners of your room, you never can predict who you would meet. Even if you don’t fancy following the fashion trend that much, save us the heartache or eye ache by avoiding these common fashion errors.
Gele is a Yoruba, Nigeria, West Africa word for a female head wrap. A “head wrap” is a long piece of cloth that you wrap and tuck on your head to create different looks. If you wrap it tight enough, the material will not come off. If it loosens you could always rewrap it. Gelescome in different fabrics such as
– Aso-OkeGele
embroidered Gele
– Net-Fabrics Gele generally known as Singele
– French lace Gelehead-tie
– ZegoGele Scarf
– Damask Gele
– Swiss Gele Scarf
Any of these above fabrics come with its own unique designs, yet look absolutely beautiful on any bride, making her stand out from the crowd. Below are some steps we will be considering this week on this edition of “iT…”/ “No intimidation” on Glister
You really don’t have to be intimidated by that your friend, all you have to do is to follow us every week on this edition. Check these out…
STEP 1: Make small folds of three at the longest edge of one part of your gele or aso-oke. You can use your lap in sharpening the folds if using scarf.
STEP 2: Using the folded ends, set your gele on your front head with the short length on your left and the long length on your right.
STEP3: Make a tie round, holding the short length with your right hand, hold tight ( get someone to
help you if you wish). Then wrap the long length round the back of the head until it gets to the back head to meet up the short length where you holding it.
STEP 4: Tie the two lengths together using the edge of the long length for the tie with the short one.
STEP 5: Start building the gele shaping it anyway you want it.
STEP 6: Using both hands on the very first layer of gele in front, slightly pull the gele to the back showing steps of round wraps or layers that are flat and firm.
Join us next week for another lovely edition. Keep glistering.