MANAGING TODAY’S ANGRY WORKFORCE Shareholders and board members expect corporate growth, no matter the state of the economy. To make that growth happen, top management are putting pressure on their workers, using employee cutbacks to increase profits if there aren’t any other ways. The backlash is twofold. Where jobs are […]
WORKING FOR THE FUTURE (7): PLANNING FUTURE GOALS FOR A TEAM The vision that holds a team together does not end with the task in hand. Consider the future of the team both as a group and as individuals, as the career progress of each member is affected by their […]
WORKING FOR THE FUTURE (1): MEASURING PERFORMANCE Identifying new challenges for an established team is one of the most exciting aspects of teamwork. Use appropriate techniques to drive the team forwards bigger and better targets. If something cannot be measured, it cannot be improved upon. Define individual and team standards […]
THE OWNER VERSUS EMPLOYEE MINDSET Some people just want to be employees. In the early stages of a company, you want everyone on the team – from your front-line employees to your partners who own equity with you – to go above and beyond toward making the company successful. You […]
DOWNSIZING WITH DIGNITY Make no mistake. Downsizing is extremely difficult. It taxes all of the management’s resources, including both business acumen and humanity. No one looks forward to downsizing. Perhaps this is why so many otherwise first-rate executives downsize so poorly. They ignore all the signs pointing to a layoff […]
WHY RANDOM SAMPLING IS IDYLLIC FOR INTRODUCING NEW PRODUCTS New startups in business abhor competition; a stiff one at that! It gives the entrepreneur goose pimples and since he is unsure of the next move to make when faced with daunting challenges about sales prospects for the new product. He […]
HOW TO MAKE PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS A WIN-WIN EXPERIENCE There are many reasons why appraisals are necessary. Positive reasons include the opportunity to: Often a negative reason is the close relationship between appraisals and employment legislation (for example, lack of appraisal may make it impossible to terminate someone’s employment). This is […]
DO YOU HAVE AN EFFECTIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT MODEL? (PART 3) Step 5: Evaluate your company’s sale and order process. If your company’s sales order process is arduous, it will dissuade customers from doing business with your company. But if your company’s sales order process is efficient, it can […]
DO YOU HAVE AN EFFECTIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT MODEL? (PART 2) INDUSTRY STANDARDS Companies that achieve total marketing domination often set their industry standards – especially those related to customer service and customer expectations, such as product evaluation periods, warrantees, and return policies. Step 3: Identify any production issues […]
DO YOU HAVE AN EFFECTIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT MODEL? (PART 1) Your customers’ perception of the products, value, services, and support that your company provides are the building blocks of your corporate image. And these are the same elements that your customers use to select business partners to supply […]