STEPS IN THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Risk management involves identifying, analyzing, and taking steps to reduce or eliminate the exposures to loss faced by an organization or individual. The practice of risk management utilizes many tools and techniques, including insurance, to manage a wide variety of risks....

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HOW SMALL BUSINESS TENANTS CAN BENEFIT FROM RENOVATION Renovation describes a series of planned changes and updates made to a facility where business is conducted.  Office and building renovation is a common undertaking in today’s competitive business environment, as businesses endeavor to keep up with infrastructure needs (especially those sparked...

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THE ALTERNATIVE OFFICING TREND Hoteling is a form of “alternative officing” which allows employees who travel on business or work flexible hours to reserve desk space at the employer’s offices as needed, rather than maintaining a permanent work space there. This allows the employer to make more efficient use of...

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HOW TO ANALYZE TEAM ROLES In an effective team, each member knows their role thoroughly. While having their own strengths, they must also contribute to the “togetherness” of the team. It is the role of either team leader or senior manager to see that this happens.  Assessing Leadership Qualities All...

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Johny Watshon

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