The techniques used for external communications can also be used effectively inside an organization, though on a much smaller scale and budget. Exploit these methods to ensure that messages reach your staff with real impact.
Employees are people who depend vitally on their management’s services for their livelihoods. They are, in fact, an organization’s most important “customers”. Similarly, each department inside an organization is a “customer” of another; they all depend on each other to provide their services effectively. All lines of communication should be open between departments.
Good employers take every opportunity and use every transaction with employees to show that they really believe that people are valuable assets. Communication is important to get this message across. Target employees for offers tailored to their needs: for example, further education, community projects, and projects facilities.
In-company marketing can operate as efficiently as external marketing in catching the attention of people, engaging their interest, arousing their wish to participate, convincing them to follow your lead, and encouraging the behaviour you want. Various devices – from competitions to “consumer” panels – can all be used effectively to put across the management message in direct and powerful terms. Remember not to talk down to the audience, and always tell the truth.
One of your responsibilities as a manager is the “advertising” of your team’s image among peers and superiors. To do this, make sure you credit staff for their work, strive to have senior managers present at celebrations and in training or strategy sessions, make sure that good news about the department is covered in corporate journalism, and show off any inside achievements in outside presentations.
- Attend social events at work to get informal staff feedback.
- Get professional advice on media techniques you can use internally.
- Use logos on all stationery to promote company awareness.
- Find out which colleagues are most skilled at communicating.