1. Source : Unsplash

Radio And TV Ads

People typically need to see or hear a radio or TV ad anywhere from three to ten times before they actually take action. You have to be prepared to air commercials repeatedly in order to have a chance to succeed. Don’t use radio or TV ads unless you are prepared to do this.

Personally, I believe radio is a much better ad medium for a small business just because you can easily match the quality of a large company’s ads. It is difficult, and expensive  to duplicate the quality of TV ads from companies like Coke, Toyota, and Apple.


Radio Ads 


Production and advertisement costs are low.

By advertising on three or four stations, you can usually reach a targeted  customer group.

People tend to listen to the radio at the same time everyday.

People listen to the radio in their homes or cars, making it potentially a very personal medium.

It provides excellent follow-up to a TV ad or publicity campaign.



Some people treat radio as background noise.

You cant get a visual impact.

An emotional response is difficult to generate.

You need to advertise more often to get a response.



You must get people’s attention in the first three or four seconds.

Consider using a celebrity’s voice. Especially on-the-air radio personality voice. More people will listen to a voice they know.

Start your ad with a question: Do you have? Do you need? Are you looking for? A question helps catch people’s attention. “Are you looking for a mulching mower?” is a standard type of opening for a radio ad.

Be brief and concise. Don’t ramble on. Make just one or two points, and make those points clear.

Repeat the action you want people to take at least three times so that they have a chance to remember it.

Follow the same motivation formula as in print ads: attention, interest, desire, and action.

Make sue you have a friendly voice reading your ad. Don’t be afraid to try out several announcers to see which one has a natural, friendly voice that will connect with your customers.

Space power phrases throughout your ad to keep people listening.


TV Ads


They have the greatest impact, TV is the way people like to get information, and ads on it are the most effective.

The increasing number of cable TV channels allows marketers to accurately target certain customer groups.

TV ads are much more memorable than other ads.

TV ads can have both fun and drama, which hold viewer attention.

TV ads provide leverage for obtaining distribution outlets, and they make ads in other media more effective.



TV ads are expensive, in particular, production costs are high.

It is difficult to run an inexpensive test.



TV stations will produce your ad for you. The quality wont be up to Coke’s, but it will be similar to that of ads you see for local businesses.

TV ads require pre-production work if you want to want to hold down editing costs. Plan out every part of your ad before you start shooting, as editing is very expensive. A storyboard is commonly used for TV ads. This shows the visual image, the action that will occur, and the dialogue for each part of the ad.

Use music; it makes the ad more interesting.

Have action during the ad. Don’t just have something standing still or sitting down.

Have a strong opening and closing visual. People should be able to clearly remember the closing visual.

Match the style and tone of your ad to your customers’ lifestyle.


Action Steps

Coming up with visuals, story lines, and effective power phrases isn’t easy. Always write down phrases you hears or see that might work for you .

Start a photo file. If you see a view that fits your product, be sure to take a photo. You can use these photos to get people’s opinion on what visual is best, and they will help art directors and TV producers

create better ads for you.

Bernard Taiwo

I am Management strategist, Editor and Publisher.

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Sat Apr 25 , 2020
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