The months before the collapse of so many dot-coms in early 2001 were marked by the influx of senior executives into a once totally youthful culture. These new companies, usually started by twenty-somethings with brilliant, innovative ideas, suddenly brought in older business managers to help them to weather what seemed […]
CREATING FUN IN THE WORKPLACE The perception is still widespread that work should not be fun, that fun is something you earn only after you’ve worked hard. That position, once the bedrock of workplace behavior, is changing. Many companies have shown that the integration of fun and work not only […]
MANAGING TODAY’S ANGRY WORKFORCE Shareholders and board members expect corporate growth, no matter the state of the economy. To make that growth happen, top management are putting pressure on their workers, using employee cutbacks to increase profits if there aren’t any other ways. The backlash is twofold. Where jobs are […]