THE ELEMENTS OF DECISION MAKING Decision making is a vital component of business success. Decisions that are based on a foundation of knowledge and sound reasoning can lead a company into long-term prosperity; conversely, decisions that are made on the basis of flawed logic, emotionalism, or incompetent information can quickly […]

HOW TO BE DECISIVE IN DECISION-MAKING  He ability to take timely, clear, and firm decisions, is an essential quality of leadership, but the type of decision needed will vary according to the circumstances. Learn to recognize the implications of taking each type of different decision.   Being Positive Taking decisive […]

IDENTIFYING DECISION-MAKING STYLES People have individual styles of taking decisions. Whether your style is logical or creative, your method should also be rational and straightforward. Good decision-makers do not allow personality to control the decision process or its outcome.   Using Hunch and Logic One side of the brain is […]

Chief Editor

Johny Watshon

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