HOW MEZZANINE FINANCING WORKS Mezzanine financing, also sometimes referred to as subordinated debt financing, is a rarely used but viable financing option for businesses in search of capital for rapid growth. Under this arrangement, the entrepreneur borrows some of the money that he or she requires to execute the next...

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HOW TO SELECT MANUFACTURERS’ AGENTS Manufacturers’ agents or representatives are independent contractors who work on a commission to sell products for more than one manufacturer. They are not under the immediate supervision of the manufacturers, (typically called principals), that they sell for, so their relationship in generally falls into client/customer...

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PRODUCT POSITIONING: UNDERSTANDING CONSUMER PERCEPTIONS Product positioning involves tailoring an entire marketing program (including product attributes, image, and price, as well as packaging, distribution, and service) to best meet the needs of customers within a particular market segment. In this way, product positioning is part of the overall process of...

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WHEN TO USE PERSONAL SELLING Personal selling is the process of communicating with a potential buyer (or buyers) face to face with the purpose of selling a product or service. The main thing that sets personal selling apart from other methods of selling is that the salesperson conducts business with...

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KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL MERCHANDISE DISPLAY Merchandise displays are special presentations of a store’s products or services to the buying public. The nature of these displays may range somewhat from industry to industry, but all merchandise displays are predicated on basic principles designed to increase product purchases. Indeed, merchandise displays are...

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WHY YOUTHS SHOULD TAKE OVER GOVERNANCE IN NIGERIA – TUNDE ESO Tunde Eso, is the originator of Youthocracy, public relations specialist and Managing Consultant of Professional School of Public Relations (PSPR) and Human Resources. He is also President of Fix Nigeria Group, a pan-Nigerian movement aimed at awakening the consciousness...

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Johny Watshon

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